Baby Mia with her Hello Kitty. This is my niece Mia (almost 5 months old). She is SO adorably cute. I can't even...I just want to snuggle with this cuteness all day long. If I could...I probably would.
Rexy Mustachio! This is my dog...okay okay, technically he belongs to my cousins...but they leave him with me whenever they go out of town and such (which is a lot, now that I think about it). Rexy and I have become BFFs since then! This little dude....he trails around wherever I go in the house. My little buddy. I HEART him.
These two definitely bring in the cute factor!
gerry and i were talking about the dog and for the life of us it took forever to remember the name! we though Roxy, Raxy, Rax...lol and i had to look on your FB to see it was Rexy.