This past weekend, I agreed to tag along with my mom and dad on this event called the Grunion Run. I have never been to a grunion run before. Apparently, during the months of June through August, grunions flop themselves on the shore to either mate or lay eggs...and this only occurs between the wee hours of 12:30am - 3:00am. Yeahhhhh, I had second thoughts about it initially but then I thought, what the heck? I was curious enough to see this thing happen...AND so was Charlene and Enrique, so they came too, along with two of my nieces!
{Side Note} Yeah, this is us grunion grabbing at 2am.
What an experience it was! First off, it was SO dark at the beach. We had to carry around flashlights in order to see the grunions being washed onto shore. Luckily it wasn't too cold out and the ocean water was actually bearable to wade through. There were a handful of other people out there as well trying to catch the grunions.
Okay, so I HAD to wear latex gloves! There was no way I was going to catch the grunions bare-handed! Skin to scale contact? Um, no thank you. Hahaha! My godchild, Renee and my niece, Reeka on the other hand were all for it! They did not care one bit ( these days).
My first catch was great and so gross at the same time! The grunions were either flopping on the sand or burrowing into the sand. So you had to run and literally pounce on them before they got washed away by the waves or burrowed in too deep. I grabbed my first grunion by the tail...yeah, bad idea! It's head kept flipping side to side trying to fish slap my hand! I dropped it a couple of times before I finally got a good grip on it. In total, I caught 5 grunions...compared to Renee who caught like 20 of them!
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